It’s no secret that I’m completely obsessed with Skitch — the handy screenshot, annotation and image sharing tool for Mac — since I tell pretty much anyone who’ll listen. I’ve probably stood over 100 shoulders waiting for folks to download and install it, then watch their eyes open wide when they realize what they now [Keep Reading…]
I am a stencil
This happened five months ago, and I was so stunned by the honor that I think I pushed it somewhere deep into my subconscious until now. In Search Patterns: Design for Discovery by Peter Morville and Jeffrey Callender, there are these cute people icons that accompany various illustrations throughout the book. There was so much [Keep Reading…]
Yet another list of iPad apps (what I use)
I’m pretty obsessed with my iPad. When I first bought it back in April, I didn’t take my laptop out of the house for a good month. I watched movies in the park, showed samples of my work to prospective clients, read my feeds in the bath, and tested out a whole bunch of apps. [Keep Reading…]
My 10 Favorite Tools of 2010
As the year comes to a close, I can’t help but think of all the ways my life has gotten even better over the past 12 months. I’ve met incredible new people, I’ve opened myself up to new experiences, I’ve taken new risks, and I’ve found new loves. The most significant behavioral change that comes [Keep Reading…]
Whit Hour – Week 13
Thank you so much to the ~29 people who showed up for the thirteenth week of Whit Hour — my weekly one-hour video chat to answer any and all of your questions about user experience, consulting, and whatever else you throw at me. Tune in every Monday night from 10-11pm Eastern Time at Whit [Keep Reading…]
Skitch beta 8 now available
If you follow me on Twitter or read this blog enough, you probably already know that I’m completely in love with Skitch. It’s by far the most common tool that I use for my everyday work — taking screenshots, making annotations, resizing images, etc. Skitch beta 8 was just released a couple days ago with [Keep Reading…]
10 Worthwhile Twitter Bots
Yeah, you get it. I love Twitter. It’s a great place to connect with new and interesting people, but it’s also just a good platform for information delivery and in some cases productivity. Some of these are actual bots (automated accounts) while others are just run by an organization — I’m lumping them into the [Keep Reading…]
TweetDeck stream of consciousness
Preamble In my opinion, Twitter is a powerful vehicle for synchronous communication (Asychronous = e-mail; Synchronous = AIM). It’s happening in real-time, and while it’s often called a micro-blogging platform, I think that’s a misnomer. It’s quite different than a blog — a centralized stream of content curated by one or many people. By contrast, [Keep Reading…]
How Twitter has changed my life
Sometimes Twitter comes up in conversation with my friends and family that don’t work in technology. I never actually bring it up because I know that it’ll require an hour plus of explanation or discussion, at the end of which they’ll think I’m crazy, nerdy or just plain bored. But every now and then someone [Keep Reading…]
Uh oh… I’m in twubble… Dave Malouf shared a cool link today. It’s a (new?) “People you may know” tool for Twitter. This was a great tip for me since I’d recently written about the topic. Twubble finds the most common people your Twitter friends are following (who you aren’t). The scan starts when you [Keep Reading…]