At DrupalCon Austin 2014, we officially kicked off the reimagination of Drupal.org with a full-day workshop with Drupal Association staff, Working Groups, select board members and advisors, facilitated by our user experience coach Whitney Hess. In the morning, we did the serious business of defining our objectives, target audiences, metrics for success (KPIs), partners and competitors, and then in the afternoon broke out into teams to brainstorm provisional personas, use case scenarios, and a blue-sky set of features. These are the hypotheses that we will now test in our user research.
Here are a few outcomes of the day:
Objectives for the Drupal Association:
- Grow Drupal community engagement
- Grow adoption of the Drupal project
- Make it easier to build Drupal
Objectives for a new Drupal.org:
- Be the home of the Drupal community and primary destination for collaboration, education and relevant information and answers
- Provide tools to help coordinate community development of Drupal and related projects by removing barriers, retaining resources and more
- Demonstrate Drupal’s capabilities and advantages, and promote it as an organizational solution
- Encourage and enable people to develop themselves and their careers over time
Metrics for success (in no particular order):
↑ % completion of user profiles
↑ # Drupal sites
↑ # Authenticated user logins (globally)
↓ Average issue lifetime
↑ # site visitors (globally)
↑ Traffic to marketing content
↑ Prospect captures
↑ $ received / product category
↑ $ spend by partners y/y
↑ # contributors
↑ # code contributions / contributor
↑ # doc edits / contributor
↓ time issue has ‘needs review’ status
↑ # project downloads
↑ self-reported community satisfaction
↓ single-time logins
↑ # vendors in Drupal marketplace
↓ #/% inactive accounts
↓ #/% inactive projects
↓ # former Drupal.org users
↑ Drupal 8 effect
↑ # sites using specific projects

Despite how busy everyone is at DrupalCon, at sessions and in the hallways, we were also able to conduct 11 user interviews with a wide variety of community members. Our user research continues until end of July, as we interview developers, designers, site-builders, business decision makers, technical leads, content strategists, sysops, marketing managers, evangelists, students, agency heads and more, learning everything we can about what the Drupal community needs to do its best work and what Drupal.org can provide to make that happen.
We are very excited to share the results of our research with you soon.
Thank you for participating in this process with us,
Whitney Hess and The Drupal Association Staff
Originally published at assoc.drupal.org/blog
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