It’s been a really long time since I’ve done a NY Tech Meetup roundup, but Tuesday night’s event was so great that I thought it would be worth posting my tweets here. I know it’s not much, but it’s all I’ve got.

The presenters were:
- RadBox
- Tout
- SocialWorkout
- Tim Soo‘s Invisible Instruments
- Aviary
- Crisp Media
- Dinevore
- CrowdTap
- Clothia
- SecondMarket
My Twitter notes:
- I’m in the Twilight Zone — walked into #NYTM and bumped into my former boss from Tribal @brianraganUX along with old friends from Liquidnet
- Props goes out to @tpuzak @nickcody @khalua & Matt (not on Twitter?) former coworkers from Liquidnet in the house at #nytm! First-timers!
- Radbox seems to be a Shelby competitor. @reecepacheco @JoeYevoli you guys here? #nytm
- Woot! @tawheed on the stage showing off his email template webapp Tout. Pretty sweet, I could definitely use this! #nytm
- Ho. Ly. Shit! This month’s #nytm hack-of-the month is da bomb! Tim Soo a.k.a. @tasooey’s invisible instruments
- The rockin’ @aviary is on the stage announcing their new in-browser editing tool and API. Hey @msg, where’s the hat? #nytm
- Wondering if everyone in the audience knows that it’s 2011. #nytm
- I’m a woman and even I don’t want to know what a PlaytexSport is. #nytm
- If I were playing buzzword bingo, I’d be winning right now. #nytm
- I’ve seen a lot of ridiculous uses of AR, but — virtually trying on clothes — is prob the best implementation I’ve seen! #nytm
- Yep, this is one of the best #nytm we’ve had in a long time. Nice work @innonate @brandondiamond!
- SecondMarket is pretty damn sweet. Registered broker/dealer that lets you trade alternative (web/tech) investments. Who does your UX? #nytm
If you want to read more about what people thought of last night’s event, check out the #nytm Twitter stream.
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- NY Tech Meetup: The European Edition January 20, 2010 | 2 comments
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