I’ve noticed a lot more traffic to my blog lately and a considerable number of new RSS subscribers. “Hi!” to any of you who are new here, and thanks for reading! It would be great to get to know some of you, so please to introduce yourselves in the comments and let me know how you found me.
Also, you’ll find a list of my 10 most popular posts at the very bottom of the page, along with the 10 latest posts, a full archive, and a tag cloud so you can see what topics I talk about. If you’re just getting started, I recommend taking a look at the most popular posts to get a sense of what other people find most interesting.
My top 10 most popular posts
- I Am Not A Woman Blogger (41 comments)
- Why I Don’t Have an iPhone (but might someday) (34 comments)
- I’m going solo (21 comments)
- Happy Cog and Happy Whitney (20 comments)
- Bloglines vs. Google Reader: A Usability Evaluation (18 comments)
- Lorem Ipsum (18 comments)
- How Twitter has changed my life (14 comments)
- Redesigning the boxee experience (14 comments)
- Randy Pausch loses battle with pancreatic cancer at 47 (13 comments)
- The Meaning of Friend (12 comments)
I really look forward to having you participate in the conversation; your comments help me learn and grow, so please keep them coming.
Related Posts:
- Best of the Last Two Years January 12, 2010 | 2 comments
- Bloglines vs. Google Reader: A Usability Evaluation February 5, 2008 | 25 comments
- Pleasure and Pain’s Most Popular Posts of 2010 December 21, 2010 | 0 comments
- Help me compile my greatest hits March 3, 2013 | 5 comments
- Upcoming Posts July 18, 2008 | 4 comments
I still regard myself as a 'new-ish' visitor to your site, I mean: I subscribed before, unsubscribed for some reason (by accident maybe?), and then re-subscribed again recently. Still don't know you that well, but Matto speaks highly of you all the time…at least twice a day… ;)
stumbled onto your blog via mashable. i noticed your main body font color is #333333 instead of just pure black. why is that? is that some sorta interface design thing, or just because? it does make your blog a little harder to read.
I feel that the edges of most fonts in #333333 are smoother and overall words are easier to read on a white background than pure black text.
*waves hello form New Zealand!* hi – I found your from a link on the linkedin user experience group (pointing to 10 Most Common Misconceptions About User Experience Design on mashable)
Hello, I am Prashant Sachdev, new to your blog. Found you from Fred Wilson's and boxee's blog as you were appointed as Usability consultant. I have got excited about usability design recently after founding a technology startup and I believe technology is important but usability is the key!
I wish to learn about usability from your blog and twitter updates
Hi Whitney,
My name is Daniel Damir and I’m an interaction/web/graphic designer/ux, from NY currently working at Barclays Capital, and I’m extremely interested on any usability and interaction design subject.
I found you after Web 2.0 Expo NY, while I was looking for notes and opinions for some of the sessions, I like your newsletter/blog because you always seem to be in the middle of all the interesting stuff that happens today in the usability/interaction design world, and you’re generous to share the details with us. I’m working on some very complex financial applications, struggling to simplify; I liked how you remind us to go to the basics in “10 Most Common Misconceptions…”
So thank you for the good work and maybe one I’ll have the pleasure to meet you in person…
Hi Whitney
found my way here via boxee. i do “traditional” research for a cable network and i'm very interested in learning more about usability evaluation/user experience research.
Hi Whitney!
I just read your article “10 Most Common Misconceptions About User Experience Design” on Mashable. I really liked that article and it made me think about what user experience really is.
I am an engineering student and learning about user experience design in my free time (I am also writing a blog about my experiences with that topic).
You have many interesting posts here, you just got a place in my reader :)
thanks for writing this blog!
Whitney, the top 10 links no longer work. The links are missing the date in the url (after month and before title). Hope this helps!
Thank you of making me aware of this. Fixed now!