The inspiring Whitney Johnson invited me to contribute to her latest post on Harvard Business Review, titled Constructing Your Personal User Interface.
Published yesterday, the piece takes five of my principles for designing user experiences and shows how they apply not only to human-computer interaction but to human-human interaction as well.
There’s already a great discussion going on so be sure to head over and share your thoughts.
Whitney Johnson is founding partner of Rose Park Advisors, Clayton M. Christensen’s investment firm, and just released her new book Dare, Dream, Do: Remarkable Things Happen When You Dare to Dream. Do yourself a favor and grab a copy for you and five of your friends.
Related Posts:
- Designing for Startups in Smashing Magazine February 26, 2011 | 0 comments
- 10 Most Common Misconceptions About User Experience Design January 10, 2009 | 14 comments
- ReadWriteWeb on my Boxee beta UX process, and other thoughts January 29, 2010 | 4 comments
- My 20 Guiding Principles for UX Design on’s InsideTech March 26, 2010 | 2 comments
- In the Press April 21, 2009 | 0 comments
Jesus, you’re all over the place. I RANDOMLY read an article and it said you co-authored it. I was like damn, it’s a small world. Either than or NYC is the center of the world. (Yep, probably the latter). Anyway, happy to see you’re still killing it.
Whitney – what a wonderful post, thank you! BTW, procrastination power, as Whitney describes in her popular Harvard Business Review blog, is like allowing for fallow time for innovation … or a richer harvest of benefits in your life.
Allowing for such fallow time helps not only innovation, but also for a richer harvest of benefits in your life when you step into daring to dream and then do something greater with your life. Whitney pulls you into the adventure story that can be the next chapter of the life you were meant to lead by sprinkling the path of her well-earned advice and first-hand experience with fascinating stories from other who also took the Dare Dream Do Path that she advocates in her already wildly popular new book.
Whitney pulls you into the adventure story that can be the next chapter of the life you were meant to lead by sprinkling the path of her well-earned advice and first-hand experience with fascinating stories from other who also took the Dare Dream Do Path that she advocates in her already popular new book (I was honored to read an advance copy). This book is a great companion to Marcus Buckingham’s book, Find Your Strongest Life.
To pull others in when you “do” live your dream become more quotable as others have to become more sought-after without being pushy
Whitney has been supporting women in living from their strength for some years now, in how she leads her life and how she encourages others… Consider this your encourager book and share it with kindred spirits as you step into the new scenes of the next chapter of your life, and pull in new characters to support your way.