On Sunday, I reread Jeremy Keith‘s HTML5 for Web Designers, from cover to cover, on the plane to An Event Apart San Diego. I first read it when it arrived on my doorstep in July, but I am in a different mindset now — beginning a new product adventure — and I wanted to refresh my memory.
I am dazzled by its astounding simplicity. I never knew that depth could be so succinct, or that the exegesis of a specification could be filled with such drama. It’s like an E! True Hollywood Story — but with brains.
Having digested it all, I feel much better equipped to lead my team towards developing a forward-compatible, dynamic, rich yet accessible web app, with a better handle on the appropriate terminology to use with our developers, and a clearer understanding of the constraints of the technology.
HTML5 for Web Designers is a true masterpiece in just 85 pages. Wow.
This is what A Book Apart is all about, and why no other book on the topic will ever come close to touching this. It is the first of many; the upcoming titles were just revealed today, so go check ’em out!
P.S. Read about Fuzzy Teams from David Armano here on Slideshare.
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Aw, thanks Whitney. I’m touched.