I think like a lot of us, I have an incessant need to see myself reflected by others in order to believe that I am who I think I am. Positively and negatively. I save adjectives like souvenirs, reminders of when I got them and from whom. I wear them as badges, as armor. When I start to doubt myself, I take one off and toss it around in my hands a bit to see how it still feels, try it on again to make sure it still fits. They’re my fuel, my food, my vitamins. I collect them like baseball cards, determined to find the full set.
But sometimes in my attempt to win an adjective from someone, I cease to be another one of my adjectives (usually one of the good ones). I have to backpedal in order to earn it back. And it’s then that I realize that I’m juggling adjectives in service to someone else.
#1 on my list of New Year’s Resolutions was this: “Do what I want to do instead of what I think I’m supposed to do.” What I should have written was, “Be whom I want to be instead of whom I think I’m supposed to be.” It’s what I should have meant.
And so tonight, I’m writing my own adjectives. These aren’t the compliments and insults I’ve collected, but rather what I see when I look at myself. Maybe my list will inspire other people to write their own lists, so we can all stop reaching out for adjectives and start reaching in.
I am resilient
I am clever
I am knowledgeable
I am intuitive
I am passionate
I am funny
I am liberal
I am independent
I am empathetic
I am resourceful
I am efficient
I am thoughtful
I am tenacious
I am hopeful
I am loyal
I am assertive
I am outspoken
I am serious
I am responsible
I am adventurous
I am romantic
I am sensitive
I am superstitious
I am sentimental
I am intense
I am vulnerable
I am fearful
I am restricted
I am cautious
I am obsessive
I am old-fashioned
I am lazy
I am self-indulgent
I am wasteful
I am overweight
I am introverted
I am nosy
I am judgmental
I am controlling
I am distrustful
I am lonely
I am unfulfilled
I am fatalistic
I am fortunate
I am ambitious
I am energetic
I am receptive
I am kind
I am spiritual
I am forgiving
I am confusing
I am loved
But I’m also probably many, many more adjectives that I have yet to discover. I just hope to stop relying on other people to grant them to me.
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You are Yourself and that is what is best about you.
Well said. I also think you're brave.