Amazon launched a new service yesterday called TextBuyIt in which you can look up and compare product info via SMS and purchase with your pre-existing account.
I tried it out this morning by texting “Purple cow” to short code 262966 (“Amazon” on the keypad). A moment later I got a response that read:
Reply w/1 or 2 to buy,m for more,h for help
1) Purple Cow: Transform…–BOOK $14.25
2) The Big Moo: Stop Trying… — BOOK $4.99
I also received a second message with list of TextBuyIt commands.
I responded with “M” in order to see more listings. The next message I received read:
Reply w/3 or 4 to buy,m for more,h for help
3) Permission Marketing:… — BOOK $16.50
4) Small Is the New Big:… — BOOK $17.13
I decided that the first listing had been the one I was looking for, so I replied with “1”.
A moment later I got a response:
Reply with your email and default zip code and Amazon will call to confirm your order.
Example: [email protected] 99104
After responding with my email address and ZIP, I received a phone call less than 10 seconds later. I was asked for the last four digits of my credit card on file. Then I pressed 1 to confirm. And that was it! The phone call lasted 43 seconds and my item was purchased.
When I hung up the call, I immediately received an email confirmation with the order number and expected delivery date:
And simultaneously received a text message that read:
Your purchase of Purple Cow: Transform Your… for $18.24 has been confirmed. Please go to your account at to view details.
I think this service is amazing and I fear I’m going to use it constantly. A nice feature would be to allow the choice of shipping options either via SMS or on the phone call. As of now, Standard Shipping is applied. I’m also curious to know how it’s handled when multiple editions of the book are available: hard covered, paperback, large print, etc. Perhaps I’ll do a few more tests later.
I have to admit, I was prepared to hate it, but I am beyond impressed. This could really change the face of shopping. Imagine being at a conference and a presenter mentions her favorite book. Just TextBuyIt and you’ll have it in your mailbox when you arrive home. At BestBuy and aren’t sure if that external hard drive is being offered at the best price, so TextBuyIt and do a bit of comparison. Amazon will likely be taking business away from their competitors while customers are in the brick and mortar stores! This is brilliant in its simplicity. Here’s hoping they don’t screw it up.
Please let me know about your experiences with TextBuyIt by leaving a comment here.
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I agree with you, this is amazingly brilliant. Leave it to Amazon to find more ways to let us buy stuff from them easier than anyone else!
I think you’re right that the real benefit of Text Buy It will be comparing retail prices with prices online. With the economy in a state of flux and consumer apprehension growing, Text Buy It could end up saving the average Joe shopping at a retail store a significant chunk of change. Shelly Palmer wrote an article the other day on Text Buy It and whats in store for the future of mobile commerce. With 3G right around the corner and users flocking to Blackberry’s and iPhone’s, it’s not too far fetched to think that in the near future consumers will be able to take a picture of a product in a store, upload it to their server and do a search for the best price online. Needless to say, if I was a retailer I’d be shaking in my boots. Link below:
First of all this is my first comment, and I must say that I LOVE the wording on your site. Very personal.
Secondly, I usually need convincing when I make buys on Amazon. I read 100 reviews of any product before I buy it, especially if it is an electronic one.
Another situation I could potentially see myself using this if I was at BestBuy and I was like, I like this, but it seems overpriced. Theoretically I could text message this service, but I am such an impulse buyer and Shipping time usually kills me I think it would be limited to purchases that they didn’t have in stock.
Okay, I am done here.
It look a nice info. I just heard here about this service. i'll try this service too
This is such a great thing. I didn't know this was possible. Amazon is the best.