I’m pretty obsessed with my iPad. When I first bought it back in April, I didn’t take my laptop out of the house for a good month. I watched movies in the park, showed samples of my work to prospective clients, read my feeds in the bath, and tested out a whole bunch of apps.
People always ask me which apps I really use, and I’ve been trying to figure it out myself. After deleting a bunch that I had stopped using and organizing the rest, here’s what I ended up with.
* denotes that this is actually an iPhone app that I use on my iPad
Sketching and Notetaking
News, Publications, Feeds
Productivity and Publishing
Social Networking
Shopping and Travel
Utilities and Other
So tell me, what awesome iPad apps am I missing? Seeing what I use you can probably get a sense for the sort of ways I like to use my iPad. Significantly more consumption than production. How does that differ from how you use yours?
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- My 10 Favorite Tools of 2010 December 13, 2010 | 5 comments
- Tips and Tricks for BlackBerry Users May 6, 2009 | 2 comments
- Feed Reader: Inbox Zero March 31, 2008 | 7 comments
- Sketching made easier by UI Stencils February 22, 2010 | 7 comments
- The catch-up obligation March 4, 2008 | 7 comments
Other suggestions:
– NoteTaker HD
– Draft (from 37 signals)
– UI Sketcher
– Tweetmag
– Square (so you can charge for services)
I’ve become a big fan of TeuxDeux, one of the many to-do list apps (and it is technically iPhone, not iPad). So it’s comparable to Remember the Milk.
And I believe selecting a to-do list app is even more of a personal “chemistry” sort of choice than most apps. Their features and styles vary, so I’m not suggesting TeuxDeux is the best. But it has an elegant calendar-like UI; it also has the distinction of allowing you to make daily lists as well as a separate Someday list, which I find both charming and practical. =)
Made by the incredible @swissmiss and @fictivecameron. Both amazing people.
The only apps I would suggest that you don’t seem to be using are
Airsketch Free
Kindle (if you don’t have a kindle obviously)
****>>> Air Video
We’ve been snowed in the past three days and my husband has been playing Angry Birds non-stop… For entertainment, we like mediamp4.com (newest movies), mobilevids.org (TV shows) and vevo.com (music)…
– Momento: It’s the iPhone version but I love using it as a journal that can also sync with Flickr, Gowalla, etc. to keep your memories all in one. You can also back it up as well.
– Gowalla: This geolocation app is nice on the iPad.
– Angry Birds HD: The addictive game.
– Cut the Rope HD: Another addictive game.
– Weather HD: It’s not as detailed as Weather Channel but it’s pretty to have up because it changes with the weather.
– ReadMore: This is a iPhone app as well. It tracks your reading sessions and your pace. It’ll also tell you when you’ll actually finish the book based of your pace. This would be great for your “The Year of the Book”.
We watch movies at mediamp4.com and TV shows at mobilevids.org. And yes, Angry Birds is addicting!…
iAnnotate is an app that I swear by. It lets you mark up pdf documents in your own handwriting (or in comment boxes) and send the document to people via email. If you’re in the business of commenting on other people’s stuff (slide decks, documents, mock-ups) and you can get them to send it to you in a .pdf, this is great. And if they won’t/can’t send it in a .pdf, get yourself an account with coolwire.com – you send a document to an email address ([email protected]), and coolwire converts it to a pdf and sends it back to you, almost instantaneously.
I have to echo Notetaker HD. This application in conjunction with a box wave stylus has totally revolutionized the way I take notes. For anyone in meetings or conferences, this app is a must.